Friday, October 23, 2009

So close...

God doesnt call the equiped, He equipes the called.

Got up today, GiGi looked ready for a ride so we decided to once again, take on the mountainous terrain that is the Baulkham Hills Shire.

Main aim for today was to try and find "flat" enough road so that i can ride for longer. I semi-achieved that........21 minutes (after adding how the length of all the songs i went through on my ipod).

I drove around in my car prior and tried to scope a few side streets that didnt look so hilly, i rode around them pretty comfortably, i must say - going down hills is ALOT of fun. But i unfortunately came back out at the bottom of Heartbreak Hill which is the only way home.

I felt reasonably confident that once again i would not make it up the hill that has now become the bane of my existence. So i tried my hill riding technique on a few smaller ones and seemed to find standing a bit easier than remaining seated. I figured it was worth a shot, and with the street a buzz with activity from Saturday morning little athletics, i didnt really want to have to get off GiGi and push her to the top in front of my fellow Baulkhamites.

For some reason unknown to me, i chose to try to do this feat riding on the footpath, and not the road. I put the ipod onto Pillar, my pump up band, and appropriately to the tune of "Fireproof" (a metaphor for escaping hell, no light hearted pop for the Cham), i entered my own version of hell.

Things i have learnt from trying to ride up hill on a footpath:

1. Footpaths are not smooth. In fact, every second section was cracked, or upraised, or have tree stumps jutting out of them;

2. people dont care much for bikes when reversing out of their driveway;

3. People like to park their cars across footpaths.

The road is there to share, but apparantly not the footpath.

Needless to say, I ended up pushing my bike up the hill. However, i still consider today a success for this reason: for a brief moment, i believed that i could make it up.

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