Saturday, October 24, 2009

Rain, hail, or shine......but mostly rain

on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened.
- Genesis 7:11

I woke up today to find the weather not particularly conducive to cycling, however the optomist in me decided to risk it regardless.

Jonathan had been given strict instructions last night, "set your alarm for 9am, go to bed early, be ready when I get back from the refuge". Bicentennial Park beckoned you see.

So you can imagine how thrilled I was when I walked in the door at 9.53am to find that my husband had only just gotten out of bed. I was greeted with, "ughhh, im not feeling the best hey". My normal sympathetic self was completed out of action after a night shift at Camp Refugee, fortunately this was duly noted by Jonathan's PMS radar, and he quickly showered and got dressed for the day's adventure. I found out later that he was severly hung over and had not gotten to bed until 5am.

Team Dellas experienced a minor setback early in the piece when our overpriced TomTom failed to contain "Sydney Olympic Park". After a series of attempts, it was determined that "Homebush Bay" was our exact destination. 15 minutes and a hired hybrid later, we were navigating our way through the lucious landscape of Bicentennial Park.

To say that riding on relatively flat ground was a relief is an understatement. I finally was able to guage the capabilities of both GiGi and myself in partnership. We took on several mini hills, and I again was able to attempt them both seated and standing, aswell as working around the best gear setting. I'm getting better.

Jonathan and I were going great guns until a slight detour saw us out of the park and onto a series of main roads. It was at this point that the aforementioned heavens opened up. Half an hour later, and severly drenched, we made our way back to the trusty eel mobile.

I thought GiGi handled the wet quite well. Her handlebars did get exceptionally slippery however, and at one stage when I misjudged the track I did get quite wobbly. But apart from that, there were absolutely no issues.

Have to say, I loved loved loved riding today. It was so fantastic. I was expecially pleased that I kept up with Jonathan the whole time, and could have gone for much longer if it hadn't been for the rain.

We wont talk about what happened later at McDonalds. Shameful Cham, shameful.

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